[安洵杯 2020]easyaes
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| from Crypto.Cipher import AES import binascii from Crypto.Util.number import bytes_to_long from flag import flag from key import key
iv = flag.strip(b'd0g3{').strip(b'}')
LENGTH = len(key) assert LENGTH == 16
hint = os.urandom(4) * 8 print(bytes_to_long(hint)^bytes_to_long(key))
msg = b'Welcome to this competition, I hope you can have fun today!!!!!!'
def encrypto(message): aes = AES.new(key,AES.MODE_CBC,iv) return aes.encrypt(message)
''' 56631233292325412205528754798133970783633216936302049893130220461139160682777 b'3c976c92aff4095a23e885b195077b66' '''
还是CBC的题,上面学习了一下填充预言攻击,是已知 IV和 所有密文的一道交互题,这次是一道已知 key和最后一组密文、所有明文的题(key可求,不就是已知的嘛)
据观察,hint 为4字节重复八次而成的一个32字节,而key只有16字节,前后异或求出key
再对比一下 ECB模式的解密过程
前面的步骤是不是惊人的一样,cbc模式就只多了异或 IV
$enc3 = dec(enc4,key)\oplus msg[3]$
$enc2 = dec(enc3,key)\oplus msg[2]$
$enc1 = dec(enc2,key)\oplus msg[1]$
$IV = dec(enc1,key)\oplus msg[0]$
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| from Crypto.Util.number import * from Crypto.Cipher import AES from Crypto.Util.strxor import strxor
xor = 56631233292325412205528754798133970783633216936302049893130220461139160682777 xor = long_to_bytes(xor) key = long_to_bytes(bytes_to_long(xor[:16]) ^ bytes_to_long(xor[16:]))
msg = b'Welcome to this competition, I hope you can have fun today!!!!!!' msgs = [msg[i:i+16] for i in range(0,len(msg),16)] print(msgs)
enc4 = '3c976c92aff4095a23e885b195077b66' IV = bytes.fromhex(enc4)
def dec(m,key,enc): aes = AES.new(key,AES.MODE_ECB) enc = strxor(aes.decrypt(enc),m) return enc
for m in msgs[::-1]: IV = dec(m,key,IV)
print(b'd0g3{' + IV+ b'}')